The Christmas Holiday is supposed to be about cheer, festivities, and happiness. But what happens when the holiday celebration is making you feel anything but? Many people become upset, stressed, and maybe even depressed when they are unable to buy every single person on their family and friends list a gift. Whether it is due to time, money, or resources, what could be worse than receiving a gift and returning an empty hand? 86% of people in the U.S said that they feel pressured to spend more than they are comfortable on Christmas gifts. Here are some ways to get you out of the rut and minimize your stress so that you can focus on what truly matters this holiday season, spending quality time with your friends, family, and loved ones.
Taking Care of Money Worries
- Suggest to your family and friends that you only buy gifts for the kids, or organise a ‘Secret Santa’ among the adults. Set a budget and stick to it.
- If you can’t afford expensive restaurant meals or cocktail catch-ups, organize a potluck or a party at home where everyone brings a plate of food.
Make your gifts! Google search easy homemade gifts and give it a try. Homemade organic gifts are all the rage right now! There are options like candles, wreaths, bath bombs, body scrubs, make up, and much more!
- Set a budget, make a list (and check it twice), and pay cash so that you keep up with how much you are spending.
- Cut back on the extras! Instead of splurging on the $5 latte’s piled high with whipped cream, try making your coffee at home and taking it with you in a travel mug.
- Get a head start- take full advantage of the Black Friday and cyber Monday sales. Just do your research and make sure they are really sales!
Remember that you are not alone! Lots of people suffer from stress and anxiety around the holidays, especially when it comes to money, finances, and budgeting.
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