Contrary to popular belief and/or whatever you were taught or heard, no one person has it all together. You may know a person or two who you consider to be perfect in terms of what they look like, their personality, and what they do. You probably feel as though that person was born with such great luck, but I am here to tell you there is no such thing. Some of us can think of at least one or two celebrities we wish to be from time-to-time and wish we could live their lives. There may even be a few who are your celebrity crush.
You may look at your life and look at yourself and find so many faults; you are insecure about so many things. You may have grown up with people talking about your very own insecurities and is convinced that if others point them out so well, then you have all rights to be insecure and hate those things about yourself. You walk around not liking the nose you have because of its size, which unknowingly to you is the shape and size it is to fill your lungs with so much air you can jog long distances. You may not like the structure of your thighs, but unknowingly to you that’s why you dance so well. You may think you are too fat and see a 400lb person in the mirror although you are in fact 210lbs. Again, unknowingly to you that is what your partner loves most about you, because you give such great comfort.
Whatever your insecurity, have you ever stopped to figure out what are their purposes; what is your purpose? Could it be that what you are so insecure about is your strength, but you have looked so down on yourself that they became your weaknesses? No matter how fine someone is in your eyes, he or she has insecurities as well that you may not see. Some people seem so perfect because of three things:
- They have accepted who they are and respect how the higher creator made them
- They have decided to love themselves and work with what they were given
- They are confident in who they are and the more confident you are the more your insecurities are diminished
In everything we do we have a choice. Do not fill your thoughts with wishes and ifs but arm yourself with possibilities and visions. Do and see what you are meant to be. If you do not love yourself, do not expect anyone else to love you. What you exude is what you will receive. So, make a decision in accepting you for you and watch how your life and “luck” begin to change.
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